Building Material MCQ

 Building Material MCQ PART-4

Q.NO  151) The weight of a good quality brick when immersed in water for a period of 16 hours should not exceed the weight of dry brick ?
(A)  20 %
(B)  15 %
(C)  10 %
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A (20 %)

 Q.NO  152) Pug mill is used for ?
(A) Preparation of clay
(B) Moulding of clay
(C) Drying of bricks
(D) Burning of bricks

 Answer: Option A (Preparation of clay)

 Q.NO  153) Pick up the synthetic resin from the following:
(A) Urea resin
(B) Phenolic resin
(C) Resorcinol resin
(D) All of these

 Answer: Option D (All of these)

 Q.NO  154) Addition of pozzolana to ordinary Portland cement increases ?
(A) Bleeding
(B) Shrinkage
(C) Permeability
(D) Heat of hydration

Answer: Option B ( Shrinkage)

 Q.NO  155) Plastics are compounds of carbon with element ?
(A) Hydrogen
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Oxygen
(D) All of these

Answer: Option D (All of these)

 Q.NO  156) Paints with white lead base are suitable for painting of ?
(A) Wood work
(B) Iron work
(C) Both wood work and iron work
(D) None of the above

 Answer: Option A (Wood work)

 Q.NO  157) For a good building stone, its specific gravity should the greater than ?
(A) 1.5
(B)  1.7
(C)  2.2
(D) 2.7

Answer: Option D ( 2.7)

 Q.NO  158) Sandstone is a ?
(i) Sedimentary rock
(ii) Aqueous rock
(iii) Siliceous rock The correct answer is
(A) Only (i)
(B) Both (i) and (ii)
(C) Both (i) and (iii)
(D) All (i), (ii) and (iii)

Answer: Option D ( All (i), (ii) and (iii))

 Q.NO  159) The rocks having alumina or clay as their major constituents are known as ?
(A) Siliceous rocks
(B) Argillaceous rocks
(C) Calcareous rocks
(D) Sedimentary rocks

 Answer: Option B (Argillaceous rocks)

 Q.NO  160) The practical limit of moisture content achieved in air drying of timber is ?
(A) 5 %
(B) 15 %
(C) 25 %
(D) 35  %

Answer: Option B ( 15 %)

 Q.NO  161) Glazing of clay products, is done ?
(A) To improve their appearance
(B) To protect them from atmospheric effect
(C) To protect them from corrosive action
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Building Materials latest onliner questions

 Q.NO  162) Study the following statements ?
(i) Hydraulic lime is suitable for white washing,
(ii) Fat lime is suitable for whitewashing,
(iii) Hydraulic lime is suitable for making mortar,
(iv) Fat lime is suitable for making mortar.

The correct answer is
(A) (i) and (iv)
(B) (ii) and (iii)
(C) (i) and (ii)
(D) (iii) and (iv)

Answer: Option B ((ii) and (iii))

 Q.NO  163) The yield strength and tensile strength of low carbon steel may be improved by the addition of ?
(A) Manganese
(B) Chromium
(C) Nickel
(D) Vanadium

Answer: Option D (Vanadium)

 Q.NO  164) Three basic raw materials which are needed in large quantities for production of steel are ?
(A) Iron ore, coal and sulphur
(B) Iron ore, carbon and sulphur
(C) Iron ore, coal and lime stone
(D) Iron ore, carbon and lime stone

 Answer: Option C ( Iron ore, coal and lime stone)

 Q.NO  165) To give a brilliant finish, the type of varnish used, is  ?
(A) Water varnish
(B) Spirit varnish
(C) Turpentine varnish
(D) Oil varnish

 Answer: Option B (Spirit varnish)

 Q.NO  166) Which of the following should be used for hearting of thicker walls?
(A) Headers
(B) Stretchers
(C) Brick bats
(D) Queen closer

 Answer: Option A (Headers)

 Q.NO  167 ) Asbestos ?
(A) Is an excellent insulator for heat and electricity
(B) Is fire-proof and acid proof
(C) Has sp. gravity equal to 3.10
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  168) A heavy stone is suitable for ?
(A) Arches
(B) Rubble masonry
(C) Roads
(D) Retaining walls

Answer: Option D (Retaining walls)

 Q.NO  169)
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Blisters in the finished wrought iron, are caused due to the reaction between oxide of iron and carbon
(B) The edges of a finished wrought iron are rough due to red shortage
(C) Pig iron (charcoal) is manufactured from magnetic ore (Fe3O4)
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  170 ) The percentage of alumina in a good brick earth lies between ?
(A) 5 to 10 %
(B)  20 to 30 %
(C)  50 to 60 %
(D) 70 to 80 %

Answer: Option B (20 to 30 %)

 Q.NO  171) Pig iron made from haematite ores free from sulphur, phosphorus and copper, is known as ?
(A) Bessemer pig
(B) Grey or foundry pig
(C) White or forge pig
(D) Mottled pig

Answer: Option A (Bessemer pig)

 Q.NO  172) Le-Chatelier's device is used for determining the ?
(A) Setting time of cement
(B) Soundness of cement
(C) Tensile strength of cement
(D) Compressive strength of cement

Answer: Option B ( Soundness of cement)

 Q.NO  173) Red short iron cracks when bent due to the presence of ?

(A) Sulphur
(B) Carbon
(C) Phosphorus
(D) Silicon

 Answer: Option A (Sulphur)

 Q.NO  174 ) Percentage of carbon content in mild steel is  ?
(A) Less than 0.25
(B) Between 0.25 and 0.7
(C) Between 0.7 and 1.5
(D) Greater than 1.5

 Answer: Option A (Less than 0.25)

Building Materials ssc je questions

 Q.NO  175 ) The method of addition polymerization is used for obtaining:
(A) Polystyrene
(B) Polypropylene
(C) Polyvinylchloride
(D) All of these

Answer: Option D (All of these)

 Q.NO  176) Which of the following metamorphic rocks has the most weather resisting characteristics?
(A) Marble
(B) Quartzite
(C) Slate
(D) Lime stone

 Answer: Option B (Quartzite)

 Q.NO  177) To retard the initial setting time of cement, the compound responsible, is ?
(A) Tri-calcium silicate
(B) Gypsum
(C) Di-calcium silicate
(D) Tri-calcium aluminate

 Answer: Option B (Gypsum)

 Q.NO  178) Seasoning of timber is done for  ?
(A) Increasing moisture content
(B) Decreasing moisture content
(C) Increasing strength of timber
(D) None to these

 Answer: Option B ( Decreasing moisture content)

 Q.NO  179) The steel used for the manufacture of rails, is ?
(A) Bessemer steel
(B) Mild steel
(C) Cast steel
(D) Stainless steel

 Answer: Option A (Bessemer steel)

 Q.NO  180) Durability of building stone is affected by its  ?
(A) Chemical composition
(B) Texture
(C) Resistance to atmosphere
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  181) Pick up the most favourable condition for the rapid growth of fungus for dry rot from the following:
(A) Absence of sun light
(B) Dampness
(C) Presence of sap
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  182 ) Crushing strength of a first class brick should not be less than ?
(A) 3.5 N/mm²
(B) 7.0 N/mm²
(C) 10.5 N/mm²
(D) 14.0 N/mm²

Answer: Option C (10.5 N/mm²)

 Q.NO  183) Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Rust is due to formation of oxides
(B) Cast iron oxidises less
(C) Steel oxidises most
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO 184) The main constituent of cement which is responsible for initial setting of cement is ?
(A) Di-calcium silicate
(B) Tri-calcium silicate
(C) Tri-calcium aluminate
(D) All of the above

 Answer: Option C (Tri-calcium aluminate)

 Q.NO  185) Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) The low voltage porcelain is prepared by wet process
(B) The high voltage porcelain is prepared by dry process
(C) The low voltage porcelain is prepared by dry process
(D) None of the above

 Answer: Option C (The low voltage porcelain is prepared by dry process)

 Q.NO  186) In brick masonry the bond produced by laying alternate headers and stretchers in each course is known as  ?
(A) English bond
(B) Double Flemish bond
(C) Zigzag bond
(D) Single Flemish bond

Answer: Option B (Double Flemish bond)

 Q.NO  187) In stone masonry, if stones are so placed that their layers are parallel to the direction of load, they ?
(A) Split easily
(B) Are affected by moisture
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these

Answer: Option C ( Both (A) and (B))

 Q.NO  188) Granite is not suitable for ordinary building purpose because ?
(A) It cannot be polished
(B) It is not a fire proof material
(C) It is costly
(D) It has less crushing strength

 Answer: Option C ( It is costly)

 Q.NO  189 ) Lacquer paints ?
(A) Are generally applied on structural steel
(B) Are less durable as compared to enamel paints
(C) Consist of resin and nitro-cellulose
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  190) Glazing is used to make earthenware ?
(A) Hard
(B) Soft
(C) Porous
(D) Impervious

 Answer: Option D (Impervious)

 Q.NO  191) In the cement the compound quickest to react with water, is ?
(A) Tri-calcium aluminate
(B) Tetra-calcium alumino-ferrite
(C) Tri-calcium silicate
(D) Di-calcium silicate

Answer: Option A ( Tri-calcium aluminate)

 Q.NO  192) Which of the following gradients exerts maximum influence on properties of steel?
(A) Iron
(B) Carbon
(C) Manganese
(D) Sulphur

Answer: Option B ( Carbon)

 Q.NO  193) Stainless steel contains ?
(A) 18% of chromium and 8% nickel
(B) 8% of chromium and 18% of nickel
(C) 12% of chromium and 36% of nickel
(D) 36% of chromium and 12% of nickel

 Answer: Option A ( 18% of chromium and 8% nickel)

 Q.NO  194) Excess of silica in brick earth results in ?
(A) Cracking and warping of bricks
(B) Loss of cohesion
(C) Enhancing the impermeability of bricks
(D) None of the above

Answer: Option B (Loss of cohesion)

 Building Materials best Questions

 Q.NO  195) Which one of the following is acid resistant asbestos?
(A) Actinolite asbestos
(B) Amosite asbestos
(C) Anthophylite asbestos
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  196) The slump recommended for mass concrete is about? 
(A) 25 mm to 50 mm
(B) 50 mm to 100 mm
(C) 100 mm to 125 mm
(D) 125 mm to 150 mm

Answer: Option A ( 25 mm to 50 mm)

 Q.NO  197) For preparing porcelains, the clay should be ?
(A) Sufficiently pure
(B) Of high degree of tenacity
(C) Of good plasticity
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  198) For melting one tonne of cast iron ?
(A) 700 m3 air is required
(B) 20 kg limestone is required
(C) One quintal coke is required
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  199) Pick up the correct statement regarding low heat cement from the following?
(A) It possesses less compressive strength
(B) Its initial setting time is about one hour
(C) Its final setting time is about 10 hours
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  200) Quick lime (or caustic lime) ?
(A) Is obtained by the calcination of pure lime stone
(B) Has great affinity to moisture
(C) Is amorphous
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

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constituents of good brick

What are the constituents of good brick earth?What constituents render brick earth unsuitable for manufacturing bricks?
What is brick earth and its constituents?

Constituents of good brick earth as follows--

(i) Alumina: It is the principal component of the brick earth and a good brick earth must contain about 20-30% alumina. Alumina gives plasticity to the earth thereby making the moulding of brick earth easier. However excess of alumina leads to shrinkage and warping of bricks.

(ii) Silica: 50-60% silica in good brick earth is desirable. Silica exists in clay either free or in combined form. It preventsshrinkage,
warping and cracking of bricks apart from imparting uniform shape to the bricks. However excess of silica destroys the cohesion between the particles of the brick earth and the bricks become brittle.

(iii) Iron Oxide: About 5-6% iron oxide is desirable in a god brick earth. Iron oxide gives red color to bricks. Excess of iron oxide leads to dark coloration in bricks like dark blue or blackish color. However less quantity of iron oxide makes the bricks yellowish in color.

(iv) Lime: About less than 5% lime should be present in a good brick earth. It should be in the very finely divided powder form. It prevents shrinkage of bricks. Excess of lime causes bricks to meltt there by  loosing its shape

(v) Magnesia: A very small quantity of magnesia gives yellow color to bricks. It also decreases shrinkage.

Which component is harmful to bricks?

Constituents which make the brick earth unsuitable :-

(i) Pebble: Pebbles in brick earth does not allow uniform mixing of clay thereby leading to weak and porous bricks.

(ii) Iron pyrites: Iron pyrites cause the brick to disintegrate on burning because of oxidation of iron.

(iii) Alkalies: Alkalies (particularly soda and potash) acts like a flux in the kiln and they cause bricks to fuse. Also alkalies absorb water from the brick masonry. This moisture on evaporation leaves behind white patches  on the surface of brick masonry.

(iv) Vegetation: Presence of vegetation and other organic matter in brick earth aids in burning. However such matter if remains partially burnt then bricks will become porous due to evolution of gases on burning.

Some Questions-
Which constituent in the earth gives plasticity to Mould bricks?
answer is ALUMINA which is clearly mensioned in above paragraph

How does excess of each of the constituents of brick earth affect the quality of bricks?
excess of everything is bad, but why these are unsuitable due to excessnes it is clearly mensioned in above paragraph please read carefully.

if you want to know another answer than comment below

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characteristics of a good quality timber

What are the characteristics of a good quality timber?

Characteristics of Good Quality Timber:-

The principal characteristics of timber of concern are strength, durability and finished appearance.

Following are the important characteristics of good timber:-

1. Narrow annual rings; closer the rings greater is the strength. Trees of rapid growth have wide annual rings and produce coarse grained wood, while those of slower growth produce wood with narrow rings of fine grain.

2. Compact medullary rays; they greatly influence shrinkage and thereby influence mechanical properties. Compact medullary rays offer more resistance to shrinkage.

3. Dark color heartwood is darker than the sapwood and timber from heartwood is stronger.

4. Uniform texture.

5. Sweel small and a shining fresh cut surface; it is indicative of sound wood.

6. When struck sonorous sound is produced.

7. Free from the defects in timers; the defects weaken the timber and affect workability.

8. Heavy weight; it is an indication that the wood is from heartwood.

9. No wooliness at fresh cut surface.

Some Questions--

What are the characteristics of timber?
ans- the answers are clearly mensioned in above article

How can you tell the quality of timber?
here is the answer of your question-

What is the importance of timber?
THERE are various importance of timber like it can be used as Building Component like door,window, arctictural apperence,important furniture etc.

some other questions are-
characteristics of good timber
characteristics of good timber pdf
characteristics of good timber preservative
qualities of good timber
qualities of good timber preservative
qualities of good timber ppt
characteristics of good quality timber
write characteristics of good timber
five characteristics of good timber
characteristics of a good timber
characteristics of a good quality timber
what are the different characteristics of good timber
what are the characteristics of a good timber
characteristics of good timber
characteristics of timber boarding
timber boarding characteristics

all the answers are clearly mensioned in above article if you found any difficulities to find out the answer than comment below we will try to respond you soon

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classification of rocks

Describe the classification of rocks?

What are the 3 classifications of rocks?

Rocks are classified as follows:-

(i) Igneous rocks: These rocks are formed due to solidification of molten magma of Earth’s crust. Igneous rocks are further classified as plutonic rocks and volcanic rocks. Plutonic rocks are formed due to rising up of hot magma form the Earth’s crust and which gets cooled and solidified before it reaches the Earth’s surface. Volcanic rock is formed due to arrival of hot magma (or lava) o the Earth’s surface before it gets cooled.

(ii) Sedimentary rocks: These are formed due to deposition of material on the earth’s surface. This deposited material is usually the product of weathering and erosion. Consolidation of these deposited material forms sedimentary rocks.

(iii) Metamorphic rocks: These rocks are formed due to metamorphism i.e., the igneous and sedimentary rocks when subjected to high temperatures, high pressures or chemical action undergo major change in their mineralogical character. The resulting rock is referred to as metamorphic rock.For example: Mica, gneiss, Schist, calcite etc,


What are the 3 classifications of rocks?

What are the 5 types of rocks?

How do you identify different types of rocks?

classification of rocks with examples
classification of rocks and minerals
different classification of rocks
detailed classification of rocks

classification of rocks for engineering purposes

all the answers are clearly mensioned in above article if you found any difficulities to find out the answer than comment below we will try to respond you soon

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Seasoning of Timber

What do you mean by Seasoning of Timber?
 Describe the methods of seasoning timber?

Seasoning of timber:-
The process of drying or reducing the moisture content of timber is called as its seasoning. Water must be removed from the timber before it can be put to any engineering use.

Methods of seasoning timber: There are mainly two methods of seasoning viz. natural seasoning and artificial seasoning.

(i) Natural seasoning

Here the seasoning is carried out in natural air. The timber is cut and sawn in suitable sections of planks. These timber pieces are stacked either horizontally or vertically through which free circulation of air is ensured.


1. The moisture content of timber can be brought down to 10-20% depending on the climatic conditions.

2. Natural seasoning does not require skilled supervision.

3. This method is cheap and easy.


1. The conditions of natural seasoning are difficult to control.

2. The moisture content of timber cannot be brought down to the desired level.

3. The space requirement of natural seasoning is quite large.

4. The drying of timber is not uniform.

5. The rate of seasoning is very small i.e. the process of natural seasoning is very slow.

(ii) Artificial seasoning:-

 In order to overcome the drawbacks of natural seasoning, artificial seasoning is resorted to. The following are some of the methods of artificial seasoning:---

✓ Boiling:
 Here the timber is immersed in water and boiled for about
3-4 hours. It is a quick method but it is costly.

✓Chemical seasoning:

 Here the timber is immersed in a suitable salt
solution and then seasoned in ordinary way. In this method, the inner surface of timber dries up prior to the outer surface and thus possibility of external cracks gets reduced.

✓ Kiln seasoning:
 In this method, the timber is dried in an air-tight oven. Saturated air (with moisture) and which is heated to about 35-380C is then forced inside the oven. Since air is fully saturated with moisture and thus evaporation from the timber surface is not there however the heat gradually reaches inside the timber. This reduces the relative humidity. The temperature is than raised and maintained till the desired level of seasoning has achieved.

✓Electrical seasoning:
 In this method, high frequency alternating current is used. Wet timber offers less resistance to the flow of current but due to the inherent electrical resistance of timber, heat is generated which dries up the timber faster. As the timber goes on drying, resistance keeps on increasing thereby increasing the rate of seasoning process. This method is quite costly.

some questions-
natural seasoning of timber advantages?
seasoning timber artificial?
what is seasoning of timber and why it is done?
what is seasoning of timber and why is it necessary?
seasoning of timber by boiling?
seasoning of timber is done by?

benefits of seasoning timber?
classification of timber based on seasoning,
seasoning of timber civil engineering,
seasoning of timber is code,
chemical seasoning of timber,
chemical or salt seasoning of timber,
combined seasoning of timber,
chemical seasoning of timber pdf,
conversion and seasoning of timber,
curing and seasoning of timber,
seasoning of timber definition,
seasoning of timber is done to remove,
natural seasoning of timber duration,
seasoning timber defects,
seasoning timber different types,
define seasoning of timber,
defects due to seasoning of timber,

all the answers are clearly mensioned in above article if you found any difficulities to find out the answer than comment below we will try to respond you soon

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Characteristics of good stones

Describe briefly the characteristics of good stones?

What is good building stone?

Characteristics of good stones are as follows-

(a)Crushing strength: For a good building stone, crushing strength must be greater than 100 N/mm2.

(b) Durability: A good building stone must be durable. Durability of a stone is due to its chemical composition and texture.

(c) Appearance: Stones must appear good as far as building work is concerned. A uniform color in building stones is desirable.

(d) Hardness: The hardness coefficient of a good building stone must be in between 14-17. Stones with hardness coefficient greater than 17 are preferred in road work.

(e) Fracture: A good building stone when fractured should show a sharp, even, bright and clear grains well bonded with each other.

(f) Specific gravity: Specific gravity should preferably be greater than 2.7 for a good building stone. High specific gravity of stones indicates that they are more compact and less porous. However stones used for domes, roofs etc. should be lighter.

(g) Texture: A compact, fine crystalline structure free from cavities, cracks and white soft patches is preferable.

(h) Fire resistance: The minerals present in stone should be such that they doo not aid fire and also the stone is preserved in case of fire. Rapid increase in temperature due to fir, sudden cooling, variation in thermal coefficients of different minerals etc. lead to fracture of stones.

(i) Toughness: In impact test, a toughness index of more than 19 indicates a tough stone while a value less than 13 indicates weak stone.

some important questions-

What are the characteristics of a good building stone at site?
What are the characteristics of a building?

building stones having same properties as discussed above
important thing to be noticiable is only 5% water absorbing criteria is with best building stone

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characteristics of good timber

Brief note on the characteristics of good Timber ?
What are the characteristics of timber?

Characteristics of good timber:-

(a) Appearance: Timber should have a shiny and good appearance.

(b) Elasticity: Timber must be elastic enough for the purpose of making of bows, sports items etc.

(c) Color: Preferably timber should be dark colored as light colored
timber is generally weak.

(d) Defects: Timber must be free from all the defects as far as possible.

(e) Hardness: Timber must be sufficiently hard to be able to resist the  penetrationo of any other body into it.

(f) Fire resistance: A good timber must be sufficiently fire resistant. In general, dense wood offers more fire resistance than light wood. The conduction of heat through wood depends on its porosity, water content, ambient temperature, bulk density, fiber orientation etc.

(g) Shape: Timber should be able to retain its shape during the
conversion and seasoning process. It must not wrap or bow during the conversion process.

(h) Smell: Sweet smell of timber is always desirable since pungent smell indicates decayed timber.

(i) Durability: Timber should be durable enough to resist the attack of fungi, insects, chemicals etc.

(j) Sound: A good timber gives clear ringing sound when struck with another piece of timber. On striking the timber pieces, dull sound indicated decayed timber.

(k) Toughness: In order to resist shocks and vibrations, timber must be sufficiently tough.

(l) Permeability: It is always desirable that timber should not be too permeable to water as water retention in timber has adverse effects on its strength.

(m) Weight: A heavy weight (i.e. dense) timber is considered to be tougher than light weight timber.

(n) Workability: Timber must be workable so that it may not clog the saw teeth and should be capable of being made. smooth

Some Questions--

What are the characteristics of timber?
ans- the answers are clearly mensioned in above article

How can you tell the quality of timber?
here is the answer of your question-

What is the importance of timber?
THERE are various importance of timber like it can be used as Building Component like door,window, arctictural apperence,important furniture etc.

some other questions are-
characteristics of good timber
characteristics of good timber pdf
characteristics of good timber preservative
qualities of good timber
qualities of good timber preservative
qualities of good timber ppt
characteristics of good quality timber
write characteristics of good timber
five characteristics of good timber
characteristics of a good timber
characteristics of a good quality timber
what are the different characteristics of good timber
what are the characteristics of a good timber
characteristics of good timber
characteristics of timber boarding
timber boarding characteristics

all the answers are clearly mensioned in above article if you found any difficulities to find out the answer than comment below we will try to respond you soon

thank you for visiting here
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gauss elimination

Gauss Elimination CODE

using namespace std;
int main()
    int n,i,j,k;

       //set precision
    cout<<"\nEnter the no. of equations\n";     

   //input the no. of equations
    float a[n][n+1],x[n];   

   //declare an array to store the elements of augmented-matrix 
    cout<<"\nEnter the elements of the augmented-matrix row-wise:\n";
    for (i=0;i<n;i++)
        for (j=0;j<=n;j++) 

  //input the elements of array
    for (i=0;i<n;i++) 

        for (k=i+1;k<n;k++)
            if (abs(a[i][i])<abs(a[k][i]))
                for (j=0;j<=n;j++)
                    double temp=a[i][j];

    cout<<"\nThe matrix after Pivotisation is:\n";
    for (i=0;i<n;i++)     

    //print the new matrix
        for (j=0;j<=n;j++)

    for (i=0;i<n-1;i++) 

   //loop to perform the gauss elimination
        for (k=i+1;k<n;k++)
                double t=a[k][i]/a[i][i];
                for (j=0;j<=n;j++)
 //make the elements below the pivot elements equal to zero or elimnate the variables
    cout<<"\n\nThe matrix after gauss-elimination is as follows:\n";
    for (i=0;i<n;i++)     

     //print the new matrix
        for (j=0;j<=n;j++)
    for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--)   

 //x is an array whose values correspond to the values of x,y,z..
  //make the variable to be calculated equal to the rhs of the last equation
        for (j=i+1;j<n;j++)
            if (j!=i)       

   //then subtract all the LHS values except the coefficient of the variable whose value is being calculated

   //now finally divide the rhs by the coefficient of the variable to be calculated
    cout<<"\nThe values of the variables are as follows:\n";
    for (i=0;i<n;i++)

    // Print the values of x, y,z,.... 
    return 0;