Irrigation Engineering MCQ Questions & Answers | Civil Engineering

Irrigation Engineering MCQ Questions & Answers | Civil Engineering


 21) In a Sarda type fall, the rectangular crest, may be used for discharge upto
(A) 6 cumecs
(B) 10 cumecs
(C) 14 cumecs
(D) 20 cumecs

Answer: Option C (14 cumecs)

 22) The measure to remove water logging of land, is
(A) To reduce percolation from canals and water courses
(B) To increase outflow from the ground water reservoir
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C (Both (a) and (b))

 23 ) Borrow pits should preferably be located in ?
(A) Field on the left side of the canal
(B) Field on the right side of the canal
(C) Fields on both sides of the canal
(D) Central half width of the section of the canal

Answer: Option D (Central half width of the section of the canal)

 24 ) The sinuosity of a meander is the ratio of ?
(A) Meander length and the width of meander
(B) Meander length and half width of the river
(C) Curved length and the straight distance
(D) None of these

Answer: Option C (Curved length and the straight distance)

25) Pick up the correct statement from the following ?
(A) If the flexibility is more than one, the outlet is hyper-proportional
(B) If the setting of an outlet is higher than that required for proportionality, the outlet is hyperproportional
(C) If the flexibility is zero, it is a rigid module
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 26) According to Khosla, the exits gradient of surface flow
(A) Depends upon the b/d ratio
(B) Is independent of the b/d ratio
(C) Is independent of the depths of d/s cut off walls
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A ( Depends upon the b/d ratio)

 27) A hydraulic structure is designed to withstand
(A) Seepage forces
(B) Hydraulic jump
(C) Hydraulic pressure
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 28) If the optimum depth of kor watering for a crop is 15.12 cm, the outlet factor for the crop for four week period in hectares per cumec, is ?
(A) 1000
(B) 1200
(C) 1400
(D) 1600

Answer: Option D (1600)

 29) In Montague type fall
(A) A straight glacis is provided
(B) A circular glacis is provided
(C) A parabolic glacis is provided
(D) No glacis is provided

Answer: Option C (A parabolic glacis is provided)

 30) Cross regulators in main canals are provided
(A) To regulate water supply in the distributaries
(B) To increase water head upstream when a main canal is running with low supplies
(C) To overflow excessive flow water
(D) None of these

Answer: Option B (To increase water head upstream when a main canal is running with low supplies)

 31) According to Lacey, depth of scour in a river depends upon the straightness of the reach. If D is the depth of scour in regime flow in a right angled bend, it is ?
(A) 1.25 D
(B) 1.50 D
(C) 1.75 D
(D) 2.00 D

Answer: Option D ( 2.00 D)

 32) According to Lacey, in regime conditions
(A) Silt is kept in suspension by vertical components of eddies
(B) Entire cross-section of the channel is generated at all points by the forces normal to the wetted perimeter
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C (Both (a) and (b))

 33) The most suitable section of a lined canal, is
(A) Triangular section with circular bottom for small canals
(B) Trapezoidal section with rounded corners for large canals
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of these

Answer: Option C (Both (a) and (b))

 34) An outlet is said to be proportional if its flexibility, is
(A) Zero
(B) Less than one
(C) More than one
(D) One

Answer: Option D (One)

 35) The level of the floor of a syphon aqueduct can be obtained
(A) By subtracting the depth of the culvert from the canal bed level
(B) By subtracting the thickness of culvert plus the depth of the culvert from the canal bed level
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of these

Answer: Option B (By subtracting the thickness of culvert plus the depth of the culvert from the canal bed level)

36) If the straight sides of a triangular section of a lined canal with circular bottom of radius D, make the horizontal, the hydraulic mean depth is ?
(A) D
(B) D/2
(C) D/3
(D) D/5

Answer: Option B (D/2)

 37) According to Bligh's creep theory, percolating water flows along
(A) Straight path under the foundation of the dam
(B) Circular path under the foundation of the dam
(C) The outline of the base of the foundation of the dam
(D) None of these

Answer: Option D (None of these)

 38) For a standing crop, the consumptive use of water is equal to the depth of water
(A) Transpired by the crop
(B) Evaporated by the crop
(C) Transpired and evaporated by the crop
(D) Used by the crop in transpiration, evaporation and also the quantity of water evaporated from adjacent soil

Answer: Option D (Used by the crop in transpiration, evaporation and also the quantity of water evaporated from adjacent soil)

 39) Bed bars in a canal are provided
(A) To watch the general behaviour of canal
(B) To measure the discharge
(C) To raise the supply level
(D) To control the silting

Answer: Option A (To watch the general behaviour of canal)

40) The velocity of drainage water in the barrels of a syphon-aqueduct, is normally limited to
(A) 1 to 2 m per second
(B) 2 to 3 m per second
(C) 3 to 4 m per second
(D) 4 to 5 m per second

Answer: Option B (2 to 3 m per second)



Least count means the minimum value that an instrument can read .

1.least count of Theodolite:------- 20"(second)

2.least count of Prismatic compass: least count is ----  30'(minutes)

3.least count of levelling staff is ------- 5mm

4.least count of dumpy level -------5mm
 as it is based on staff reading that's why least count is 5mm.

5.Total station : Least count for total station for angle is 1''(second) & Distance is 1mm

Questions Based On Least Count of surveying instruments

1) What is least count in surveying?

Ans- Least Count Is The minimum value or minimum reading that an instrument can read While Measuring.

Theodolite:- least count is 20"
Prismatic compass:- least count is 30'
least count of levelling staff is 5mm.
dumpy level:- least count 5mm as it is based on staff reading thats why least count is 5mm.

2 ) What is the least count of chain?

Ans- Metric chain Least Count is 0.2m.

3) How do I calculate least count?
 or, How Can I calculate least count?
 or, Least Count Calculations ?

Ans- We Can Easily Calculate by dividing main scale reading To the total number of divisions on the main scale.
If the instrument has a Secondary scale. Then instrument Least Count is the ratio of main scale Least Count. and number of divisions on the secondary scale.

4) What is the least count of steel rule?

Ans- basically It Depends Upon the type of steel rule which you want to use but generally least count is 0.5mm

5) What is the least count of Surveyor's compass ?

Ans- least count of Surveyor's compass is 15' (minutes)

6)What is least count of transit theodolite?
In Transit Theodolite 175 mm internal focusing with erect image, 20 seconds / 10 seconds least count Which Can Be read by reading glass, provided with optical plummet for accuracy in centering point.

7) What is least count of main scale and vernier scale in theodolite?
 vernier scale is divided into 10 divisions which Divided with 9 divisions of the main scale

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Irrigation Engineering MCQ Questions & Answers | Civil Engineering

Irrigation Engineering Mcq


 01) The consumptive use of water for a crop
(A) Is measured as the volume of water per unit area
(B) Is measured as depth of water on irrigated area
(C) May be supplied partly by precipitation and partly by irrigation
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 02)  Canals taken off from ice-fed perennial rivers, are known
(A) Permanent canals
(B) Ridge canals
(C) Perennial canals
(D) Inundation canals

Answer: Option C (Perennial canals)

03) In gravity canals, F.S.L. is
(A) Always at the ground level
(B) Always below the ground level
(C) Generally 4 to 5 metres above the ground level
(D) Only a few cm above the ground level

Answer: Option D

 04) The field capacity of a soil is 25%, its permanent wilting point is 15% and specific dry unity weight is 1.5. If the depth of root zone of a crop, is 80 cm, the storage capacity of the soil, is
(A) 8 cm
(B) 10 cm
(C) 12 cm
(D) 14 cm

Answer: Option C (12 cm)

 05) If water table is comparatively high, the irrigation canal becomes useless, due to
(A) Large amount of seepage
(B) Water logging of the cultivated areas
(C) Uncertain water demand
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 06) If A is the area of the surface, X Is the depth of it's C.G from the surface of the water and W is the density of water,than? 

(A)Total pressure on the surface is WX
(B) Depth of the point at which total pressure acts is equal to its moment of inertia divided by AX
(C) Depth of the centre of pressure is 2/3H vertically below the surface
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 07) In a syphon aqueduct
(A) Drainage passes over the canal and F.S.L. of the canal is below the bottom of the drainage trough
(B) Drainage passes over the canal and F.S.L. of the canal is above the bottom of the drainage trough
(C) Canal passes over the drainage and H.F.L. of the drainage is above the bottom of the canal trough
(D) Canal passes over the drainage and H.F.L. of the drainage is below the bottom of the canal trough

Answer: Option C (Canal passes over the drainage and H.F.L. of the drainage is above the bottom of the canal trough)

08) If the height of the hydraulic gradient line above the floor of thickness t is h and the specific gravity of the material of the floor is G, the minimum thickness t of the floor downstream of the crest-wall, is given by the equation ?
(A) t = (h + 1)/(G + t)
(B) t = (h - 1)/(G + t)
(C) t = (h - 1)/(G - t)
(D) t = (h + 1)/G

Answer: Option C ( t = (h - 1)/(G - t))

 09) To hold hydraulic jumps, baffle walls are provided in
(A) Sarda type falls
(B) English type falls
(C) Montague type falls
(D) Vertical type falls

Answer: Option B (English type falls)


 10) Pick up the correct sequence of the part of a canal system from the following
(A) Head work-distributary-branch canal-minor
(B) Head works-main canal-branch canal-distributary-minor
(C) Head works-main canal-branch canal-minor-distributary
(D) Heads works-branch canal-main canal distributary, minor

Answer: Option B ( Head works-main canal-branch canal-distributary-minor)

 11) The field capacity of a soil depends upon
(A) Capillary tension in soil
(B) Porosity of soil
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C (Both (a) and (b))

 12) The water face of the guide banks, is protected by
(A) One men stone pitching
(B) Two man stone pitching
(C) Three man stone pitching
(D) Four man stone pitching

Answer: Option A (One men stone pitching)

13) Pick up the correct statement from the following
(A) Escapes are essential safety valves in a canal system
(B) The escapes must lead the surplus water to natural drainages
(C) The escapes are aligned to take advantage of contours of lower values
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 14) For a unique design of a channel by Kennedy's theory
(A) Its breadth must only be known
(B) Its depth must only be known
(C) Its breadth and depth ratio must only be known
(D) All the above

Answer: Option C (Its breadth and depth ratio must only be known)

15) The structure constructed to allow drainage water to flow under pressure through an inverted syphon below a canal, is called ?
(A) Syphon
(B) Super passage
(C) Super-aqueduct
(D) Syphon aqueduct
Answer: Option D (Syphon aqueduct)

 16) The main cause of silting up a channel ?
(A) Non-regime section
(B) Inadequate slope
(C) Defective head regulator
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 17) Pick up the correct statement from the following ?
(A) Gravity water is harmful to crops
(B) Hygroscopic water remains attached to soil molecules by chemical bond
(C) Capillary moisture held in the soil pores against gravity by surface tension, is utilised by plants
(D) All the above

Answer: Option C ( Capillary moisture held in the soil pores against gravity by surface tension, is utilised by plants)

 18) A river training work is generally required when the river is
(A) Meandering
(B) Aggrading
(C) Degrading
(D) All the above

Answer: Option A (Meandering)
 19 ) When a canal flowing under pressure is carried below a natural drainage such that its F.S.L. does not touch the underside of the supporting structure, the structure so provided, is called ?
(A) Syphon
(B) Aqueduct
(C) Super passage
(D) Syphon-aqueduct

Answer: Option C (Super passage)

 20) Pick up the correct statement from the following
(A) In a level crossing, a crest with its top at the canal F.S.L. is provided across the drainage at its up-stream junction with canal
(B) In a level crossing a regulator is provided across the drainage at its down-stream
(C) In a level crossing, a cross regulator is provided on the canal below the crossing
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

Irrigation Engineering Mcq PART -02 

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