Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.1) If it is found that tyre walls of a vehicle are in tension then rigidity factor is?
a. greater than 1
b. equal to 1
c. less than 1
d. can not be determined
Correct Ans. C (less than 1)
Q.2) The ruling minimum radius of horizontal curve of a national highway in a plain terrain
for a ruling design speed of 120 kmph with e = 0.07 and f = 0.15 is (in meter)?
a. 377
b. 467
c. 516
d. 567
Correct Ans. C
Q.3) Which of the following cannot be achieved by remote sensing?
a. Detection of forest fires
b. Detection of pollutants
c. Detection of earthquake
d. Land use pattern
Correct Ans. c ( Detection of earthquake)
Q.4) Road geometrics are designed for the speed of
a. 15th percentile
b. 85th percentile
c. 98th percentile
d. 100th percentile
Correct Ans. C (. 98th percentile)
Q.5) What is the percentage temperature correction on the runway is
a. 17.94%
b. 18.24%
c. 19.70%
d. 21.40%
Correct Ans. C (19.70%)
Q.6) EDM in a total station measures directly?
a. Vertical angles
b. Horizontal angles
c. Slope distances
d. Horizontal distances
Correct Ans. C (Slope distances)
Q.7) The size of theodolite is defined by ?
a. the diameter of the graduated circle of lower plate
b. the diameter of the graduated circle of upper plate
c. the height of theodolite
d. the length of the telescope
Correct Ans. A ( the diameter of the graduated circle of lower plate)
Q.8) Which of the following factors affect the geometric design of road?
1. Topography 2. Traffic factors
3. Design hourly volume
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. All of these
Correct Ans. D (All of these)
Q.9) The reduced bearing of a 20 m long line segment is N30° E. The departure of the line is
______ m.?
Correct Ans. 10 (9.99 - 10.0)
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.10) The width of expansion gap is 2.5 cm in a cement concrete pavement. The spacing
between expansion joint for a maximum rise in temperature of 30°C is _________ m.
[Take coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete as 10 × 10–6 /°C]?
Correct Ans.41.67 (41- 42)
Q.11 Maximum parking density can be achieved on a street parking by keeping vehicles at
an angle of ____________ degrees from the street wall.?
Correct Ans. 90 (89.99 - 90.01)
Solution----.Maximum density can be achieved by keeping vehicle perpendicular to street wall.
Q.12) If 25,000 vehicles crosses a road in a day and 5000 vehicles cross the road between 9
am to 10 am then hourly expansion factor is ____________?.
Correct Ans. 5 (4.99 - 5.01)
Q.13) The length of a line measured with a 20 m chain was found to be 250 . The true length
of the line if the chain was 10 cm too long, will be ___________ m ?
Correct Answer- 251.25 (250 - 251.50)
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.14) On a hill road a ruling gradient of 5% is provided and has a radius of horizontal curve
of 50 m. Design speed on the road is 50 kmph. The compensated gradient of the curve
is _________ %.
Correct Ans.4 (3.99 - 4.01)
Q.15) In a compacted cylindrical bituminous mix
then percentage voids in the sample is ___________.
Correct Ans.9.43 (9.4 - 9.5)
Q.16) A plan drawn to a scale of 1 : 4000 was measured by mistake by a scale of 1 : 5000. The
percentage error in the measured area will be ___________
Correct Ans. 56.25 (55.50 - 57.40)
Q.17) An offset is 15 m long and the scale of plotting is 1 cm = 30 m. If the accuracy in linear
measurement is 1 in 20 combined permissible error is 0.025, then what will be the
permissible error in the angular measurement?
a. 12°
b. 8°
c. 4°
d. 0°
Correct Ans. (D)
Q.18) Which of the following graphs for Marshall stability chart is/are CORRECT?
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1 only
c. 1 and 2
d. 1 and 3
Correct Ans. (A)
With increase in bitumen content void content decreases.
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.19) For designing a 2 phase fixed type signal at intersection having North-South and East-
West road where only straight ahead traffic is permitted, the following data is available,
Total time lost per cycle is 9 sec. The cycle length (seconds) as per Webster’s method
a. 53
b. 62
c. 107
d. 115
Correct Ans. (B)
Q.20) Which of the following statements is/are correct for an uncontrolled right angle
intersection of two, 2 lane roads on which traffic is allowed in both directions?
1. Ratio of merging conflict points to crossing conflict points is 2.
2. Ratio of weaving conflict points to merging conflict point is (2/3).
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
Correct Ans. (A)
NO.Of Point Of Conflict:-
Q.21) On a 2 lane highway road, there is a horizontal curve of radius 360 m and length 180 m.
If stopping sight distance is 90 m then set back distance from center line of inner lane
required is?
(Assume pavement width = 7 m)
a. 1.87 m
b. 2.82 m
c. 3.70 m
d. 4.57 m
Correct Ans. (B)
Q.22) The data given below are obtained for design of a flexible pavement.
Initial traffic = 2000 cvpd
Traffic growth rate = 10% per annum
Design life= 15 years
Vehicle damage factor = 2.8
Distribution factor = 0.75
The design traffic in terms of million standard axles to be catered would be?
a. 8 msa
b. 18.40 msa
c. 48.70 msa
d. 56.36 msa
Correct Ans. (C)
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.23) Horizontal transition curves are provided on roads to?
1. Introduce centrifugal force gradually.
2. Provide sufficient overtaking distance.
3. Improve aesthetic appearance.
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
d. 1 only
Correct Ans- D
Overtaking criterion is not considered in horizontal transition curve design.
Q.24) A bubble tube of a level has a sensitiveness of 24″ per 2 mm division. The error in the
reading on a staff held at a distance of 110 m from the level when the bubble is
deflected by two divisions from the centre will be ?
a. 19.96 mm
b. 21.18 mm
c. 23.67 mm
d. 25.59 mm
Correct Ans-(D) 25.59 mm
Q.25) A vehicle is moving on a descending gradient with a velocity of 60 kmph. Suddenly
driver observes an obstacle and applies brakes having efficiency of 80%, stops after
covering a distance of 260 m. If longitudinal friction on road is 0.40 then descending
gradient is _________% (Magnitude only)
Correct Ans-25.6 (25.0 - 26.1)
Q.26) In a closed traverse XYZ, the following readings were taken:
If station X is free from local attraction, the corrected bearing (in degree) of ZY is
Correct Ans-295 (294.99 - 295.01)
Q.27) The speed density (u – k) relationship on a single lane road with unidirectional flow is u
= 65 – 0.8 K where u is in km/hr and K is in Veh/km. The capacity of the road is
___________ veh/hr.?
Correct Ans- 1320 (1319 - 1321)
Q.28) For a highway section, following vehicular data was observed:
The space mean speed of vehicles is _________ km/hr.
Correct Ans-40.91 (40 - 42)
Q.29) An observation car is moving on a one way road of 12 km stretch. This ride takes 35
minutes to reach destination point which includes stoppage of car for 10 minutes. If car
was overtaken by 70 vehicles and overtakes 25 vehicles and during stoppage observer
counts 40 vehicles, then average speed of vehicle stream on the road is _____________
Correct Ans-15.6 (15 - 16.2)
Q.30) A verticle summit curve is formed at the intersection of 2% and –4% gradients. If the
design speed on the road is 60 kmph and longitudinal coefficient of friction is 0.40 then
length of summit curve as per SSD critieria provided should be _______________ m.
[Take reaction time = 2.5 sec]
Correct Ans-81.02 (79 - 82)
Q.31) Following observations were made for an axle load survey on a road
If the standard axle load is 80 kN and 2100 vehicles passes everyday then the vehicle
damage factor is __________.?
Correct Ans-0.15 (0.14 to 0.16)
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.32) A vane of 3.0 m above the foot of a staff was sighted at a point 3000 m away from the
instrument. The observed angle of elevation was 2° 30′. The reduced level of the
trunnion axis being 200 m. The reduced level of the staff station will be __________ m.
Also assume correction for curvature and refraction.?
Correct Ans- 327.37 (325 - 330)
Q.33 On a broad gauge 3° curve, the equilibrium cant is provided for a speed of 75 km/hr.
The value of maximum allowable speed after allowing a maximum cant deficiency,
is__________ kmph.?
Correct Ans. 94.46 (94 - 95)
Q.1) If it is found that tyre walls of a vehicle are in tension then rigidity factor is?
a. greater than 1
b. equal to 1
c. less than 1
d. can not be determined
Correct Ans. C (less than 1)
Q.2) The ruling minimum radius of horizontal curve of a national highway in a plain terrain
for a ruling design speed of 120 kmph with e = 0.07 and f = 0.15 is (in meter)?
a. 377
b. 467
c. 516
d. 567
Correct Ans. C
Q.3) Which of the following cannot be achieved by remote sensing?
a. Detection of forest fires
b. Detection of pollutants
c. Detection of earthquake
d. Land use pattern
Correct Ans. c ( Detection of earthquake)
Q.4) Road geometrics are designed for the speed of
a. 15th percentile
b. 85th percentile
c. 98th percentile
d. 100th percentile
Correct Ans. C (. 98th percentile)
Q.5) What is the percentage temperature correction on the runway is
a. 17.94%
b. 18.24%
c. 19.70%
d. 21.40%
Correct Ans. C (19.70%)
Q.6) EDM in a total station measures directly?
a. Vertical angles
b. Horizontal angles
c. Slope distances
d. Horizontal distances
Correct Ans. C (Slope distances)
Q.7) The size of theodolite is defined by ?
a. the diameter of the graduated circle of lower plate
b. the diameter of the graduated circle of upper plate
c. the height of theodolite
d. the length of the telescope
Correct Ans. A ( the diameter of the graduated circle of lower plate)
Q.8) Which of the following factors affect the geometric design of road?
1. Topography 2. Traffic factors
3. Design hourly volume
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. All of these
Correct Ans. D (All of these)
Q.9) The reduced bearing of a 20 m long line segment is N30° E. The departure of the line is
______ m.?
Correct Ans. 10 (9.99 - 10.0)
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.10) The width of expansion gap is 2.5 cm in a cement concrete pavement. The spacing
between expansion joint for a maximum rise in temperature of 30°C is _________ m.
[Take coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete as 10 × 10–6 /°C]?
Correct Ans.41.67 (41- 42)
Q.11 Maximum parking density can be achieved on a street parking by keeping vehicles at
an angle of ____________ degrees from the street wall.?
Correct Ans. 90 (89.99 - 90.01)
Solution----.Maximum density can be achieved by keeping vehicle perpendicular to street wall.
Q.12) If 25,000 vehicles crosses a road in a day and 5000 vehicles cross the road between 9
am to 10 am then hourly expansion factor is ____________?.
Correct Ans. 5 (4.99 - 5.01)
Q.13) The length of a line measured with a 20 m chain was found to be 250 . The true length
of the line if the chain was 10 cm too long, will be ___________ m ?
Correct Answer- 251.25 (250 - 251.50)
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.14) On a hill road a ruling gradient of 5% is provided and has a radius of horizontal curve
of 50 m. Design speed on the road is 50 kmph. The compensated gradient of the curve
is _________ %.
Correct Ans.4 (3.99 - 4.01)
Q.15) In a compacted cylindrical bituminous mix
then percentage voids in the sample is ___________.
Correct Ans.9.43 (9.4 - 9.5)
Q.16) A plan drawn to a scale of 1 : 4000 was measured by mistake by a scale of 1 : 5000. The
percentage error in the measured area will be ___________
Correct Ans. 56.25 (55.50 - 57.40)
Q.17) An offset is 15 m long and the scale of plotting is 1 cm = 30 m. If the accuracy in linear
measurement is 1 in 20 combined permissible error is 0.025, then what will be the
permissible error in the angular measurement?
a. 12°
b. 8°
c. 4°
d. 0°
Correct Ans. (D)
Q.18) Which of the following graphs for Marshall stability chart is/are CORRECT?
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1 only
c. 1 and 2
d. 1 and 3
Correct Ans. (A)
With increase in bitumen content void content decreases.
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.19) For designing a 2 phase fixed type signal at intersection having North-South and East-
West road where only straight ahead traffic is permitted, the following data is available,
Total time lost per cycle is 9 sec. The cycle length (seconds) as per Webster’s method
a. 53
b. 62
c. 107
d. 115
Correct Ans. (B)
Q.20) Which of the following statements is/are correct for an uncontrolled right angle
intersection of two, 2 lane roads on which traffic is allowed in both directions?
1. Ratio of merging conflict points to crossing conflict points is 2.
2. Ratio of weaving conflict points to merging conflict point is (2/3).
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
Correct Ans. (A)
NO.Of Point Of Conflict:-
Q.21) On a 2 lane highway road, there is a horizontal curve of radius 360 m and length 180 m.
If stopping sight distance is 90 m then set back distance from center line of inner lane
required is?
(Assume pavement width = 7 m)
a. 1.87 m
b. 2.82 m
c. 3.70 m
d. 4.57 m
Correct Ans. (B)
Q.22) The data given below are obtained for design of a flexible pavement.
Initial traffic = 2000 cvpd
Traffic growth rate = 10% per annum
Design life= 15 years
Vehicle damage factor = 2.8
Distribution factor = 0.75
The design traffic in terms of million standard axles to be catered would be?
a. 8 msa
b. 18.40 msa
c. 48.70 msa
d. 56.36 msa
Correct Ans. (C)
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.23) Horizontal transition curves are provided on roads to?
1. Introduce centrifugal force gradually.
2. Provide sufficient overtaking distance.
3. Improve aesthetic appearance.
a. 1, 2 and 3
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 and 3
d. 1 only
Correct Ans- D
Overtaking criterion is not considered in horizontal transition curve design.
Q.24) A bubble tube of a level has a sensitiveness of 24″ per 2 mm division. The error in the
reading on a staff held at a distance of 110 m from the level when the bubble is
deflected by two divisions from the centre will be ?
a. 19.96 mm
b. 21.18 mm
c. 23.67 mm
d. 25.59 mm
Correct Ans-(D) 25.59 mm
Q.25) A vehicle is moving on a descending gradient with a velocity of 60 kmph. Suddenly
driver observes an obstacle and applies brakes having efficiency of 80%, stops after
covering a distance of 260 m. If longitudinal friction on road is 0.40 then descending
gradient is _________% (Magnitude only)
Correct Ans-25.6 (25.0 - 26.1)
Q.26) In a closed traverse XYZ, the following readings were taken:
If station X is free from local attraction, the corrected bearing (in degree) of ZY is
Correct Ans-295 (294.99 - 295.01)
Q.27) The speed density (u – k) relationship on a single lane road with unidirectional flow is u
= 65 – 0.8 K where u is in km/hr and K is in Veh/km. The capacity of the road is
___________ veh/hr.?
Correct Ans- 1320 (1319 - 1321)
Q.28) For a highway section, following vehicular data was observed:
The space mean speed of vehicles is _________ km/hr.
Correct Ans-40.91 (40 - 42)
Q.29) An observation car is moving on a one way road of 12 km stretch. This ride takes 35
minutes to reach destination point which includes stoppage of car for 10 minutes. If car
was overtaken by 70 vehicles and overtakes 25 vehicles and during stoppage observer
counts 40 vehicles, then average speed of vehicle stream on the road is _____________
Correct Ans-15.6 (15 - 16.2)
Q.30) A verticle summit curve is formed at the intersection of 2% and –4% gradients. If the
design speed on the road is 60 kmph and longitudinal coefficient of friction is 0.40 then
length of summit curve as per SSD critieria provided should be _______________ m.
[Take reaction time = 2.5 sec]
Correct Ans-81.02 (79 - 82)
Q.31) Following observations were made for an axle load survey on a road
If the standard axle load is 80 kN and 2100 vehicles passes everyday then the vehicle
damage factor is __________.?
Correct Ans-0.15 (0.14 to 0.16)
Transportation Engg. & Geomatics Engg Questions With Full Solutions
Q.32) A vane of 3.0 m above the foot of a staff was sighted at a point 3000 m away from the
instrument. The observed angle of elevation was 2° 30′. The reduced level of the
trunnion axis being 200 m. The reduced level of the staff station will be __________ m.
Also assume correction for curvature and refraction.?
Correct Ans- 327.37 (325 - 330)
Q.33 On a broad gauge 3° curve, the equilibrium cant is provided for a speed of 75 km/hr.
The value of maximum allowable speed after allowing a maximum cant deficiency,
is__________ kmph.?
Correct Ans. 94.46 (94 - 95)

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