General Science Notes one liner
1. Which is used as a coolant in nuclear reactors? – Liquid sodium
2. Which is the second most abundant metal in the earth’s crust? – Iron
3. Which plant is used for green manuring in India? – Sunhemp
4. Optic fibres are mainly used for which purpose? – Communication
5. Which is the lightest gas? – Hydrogen
6. What is the Mendel’s principles of inheritance? – Sexual reproduction
7. How is the frequency of ultrasound wave typically? – Above 20,000 kHz
8. What is formula of plaster of paris? – 2CaSO4.H2O
9. Which is the largest flower in the world ? – Rafflesia
10. Who received Nobel Prize twice for the same subject? – Marie Curie
11. What are Carbon, diamond and graphite together called? – Allotropes
12. What is the approximate velocity of light per second? – 3 × 108 m
13. Which metal was first discovered by man ? – Copper
14. Which nutrients are most likely to be affected by food processing and storage? –
15. What do we use in SONAR? – Ultrasonic waves
16. By whom was the quantum theory first enunciated? – By Max Planck
17. Food wrapped in newspaper is likely to get contaminated with which desease? – Lead
18. The wavelength of Xrays is of the order of howmany angstrom? – 1 Angstrom
19. Which isotope of uranium capable of sustaining chain reactions? – U235
20. What is HepatitisB, which affects liver? – Virus
21. Which polymer is widely used for making bullet proof material? – Polyethylene
22. Which is the essential element in all organic compounds? – Carbon
23. Which vitamin is essential for poor bone and teeth formation? – Vitamin D
24. Oldwritten material, which cannot be read easily, how can be read? – By infrared rays
25. Which synthetic fibre is known as artificial silk? – Rayon
26. Which vegetable protein is considered as good as an animal protein? – Soyabean
27. ‘mho’ is the unit of which unit? – Specific resistance
28. Which are the important raw materials required in cement industry ? – Limestone and clay
29. By which would Desert plants be characterised? – By sunken stomata
30. What is the number of basic units in the International System of Units? – 7
31. Which are the hightemperature superconductors? – Ceramic oxides
32. Which is the sweetest sugar? – Fructose
33. A small weight is put on the pressure cooker. It increases the pressure of the steam.
Why? –
Area of contact is small
34. Which is the highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value? –
35. In certain amino acids, which elements is found in addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen? – Sulphur
36. A car is running on a road at a uniform speed of 60 km/hr. What is the net resultant force on the car? – Equal to zero
37. Which substance coated on plastic tape? – Iron oxide
38. Which combination of foods providing protein quality nearest to that of meat? – Sprouted gram and groundnuts
39. Which common devices works on the basis of the principle of mutual induction? – Transformer
40. Which charcoal is used to deeolourise raw sugar? – Wood charcoal
41. Milk, cheese and eggs are the source of vitamins which vitamins? – A and D
42. Which is the wave in which the particies of the material move up and down as the wave goes from
left to right? – Transverse
43. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, which is the smallest particle which can exist independently?
– An atom
44. What is the source of immediate energy for cellular activity? – ATP
45. Which is most efficient engine? – Electric
46. What is the conversion of Fe++ to Fe+++? – Oxidation
47. By whom was Gene first isolated? – Hargobind Khurana
48. When milk is churned, how does the cream separate from it? – Due to the centrifugal force
49. For which thing is Washing soda the common name? – Sodium carbonate
50. From the biological evolutionary point of view, the human heart is close to the heart of which animal? – Pig
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1. Which is used as a coolant in nuclear reactors? – Liquid sodium
2. Which is the second most abundant metal in the earth’s crust? – Iron
3. Which plant is used for green manuring in India? – Sunhemp
4. Optic fibres are mainly used for which purpose? – Communication
5. Which is the lightest gas? – Hydrogen
6. What is the Mendel’s principles of inheritance? – Sexual reproduction
7. How is the frequency of ultrasound wave typically? – Above 20,000 kHz
8. What is formula of plaster of paris? – 2CaSO4.H2O
9. Which is the largest flower in the world ? – Rafflesia
10. Who received Nobel Prize twice for the same subject? – Marie Curie
11. What are Carbon, diamond and graphite together called? – Allotropes
12. What is the approximate velocity of light per second? – 3 × 108 m
13. Which metal was first discovered by man ? – Copper
14. Which nutrients are most likely to be affected by food processing and storage? –
15. What do we use in SONAR? – Ultrasonic waves
16. By whom was the quantum theory first enunciated? – By Max Planck
17. Food wrapped in newspaper is likely to get contaminated with which desease? – Lead
18. The wavelength of Xrays is of the order of howmany angstrom? – 1 Angstrom
19. Which isotope of uranium capable of sustaining chain reactions? – U235
20. What is HepatitisB, which affects liver? – Virus
21. Which polymer is widely used for making bullet proof material? – Polyethylene
22. Which is the essential element in all organic compounds? – Carbon
23. Which vitamin is essential for poor bone and teeth formation? – Vitamin D
24. Oldwritten material, which cannot be read easily, how can be read? – By infrared rays
25. Which synthetic fibre is known as artificial silk? – Rayon
26. Which vegetable protein is considered as good as an animal protein? – Soyabean
27. ‘mho’ is the unit of which unit? – Specific resistance
28. Which are the important raw materials required in cement industry ? – Limestone and clay
29. By which would Desert plants be characterised? – By sunken stomata
30. What is the number of basic units in the International System of Units? – 7
31. Which are the hightemperature superconductors? – Ceramic oxides
32. Which is the sweetest sugar? – Fructose
33. A small weight is put on the pressure cooker. It increases the pressure of the steam.
Why? –
Area of contact is small
34. Which is the highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value? –
35. In certain amino acids, which elements is found in addition to carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen? – Sulphur
36. A car is running on a road at a uniform speed of 60 km/hr. What is the net resultant force on the car? – Equal to zero
37. Which substance coated on plastic tape? – Iron oxide
38. Which combination of foods providing protein quality nearest to that of meat? – Sprouted gram and groundnuts
39. Which common devices works on the basis of the principle of mutual induction? – Transformer
40. Which charcoal is used to deeolourise raw sugar? – Wood charcoal
41. Milk, cheese and eggs are the source of vitamins which vitamins? – A and D
42. Which is the wave in which the particies of the material move up and down as the wave goes from
left to right? – Transverse
43. According to Dalton’s atomic theory, which is the smallest particle which can exist independently?
– An atom
44. What is the source of immediate energy for cellular activity? – ATP
45. Which is most efficient engine? – Electric
46. What is the conversion of Fe++ to Fe+++? – Oxidation
47. By whom was Gene first isolated? – Hargobind Khurana
48. When milk is churned, how does the cream separate from it? – Due to the centrifugal force
49. For which thing is Washing soda the common name? – Sodium carbonate
50. From the biological evolutionary point of view, the human heart is close to the heart of which animal? – Pig
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