Building Material MCQ

 Building Material MCQ PART-9

401) Lime concrete is generally used for ?

(A) Wall foundations
(B) Flooring at ground level
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

Answer: Option B (Flooring at ground level)

402) Bituminous fells are used for ?
(A) Covering A.C. sheets
(B) Covering sloping roofs
(C) D.P.C.
(D) None to these

 Answer: Option A (Covering A.C. sheets)

403Quick setting cement is produced by adding? 
(A) Less amount of gypsum in very fine powdered form
(B) More amount of gypsum in very fine powdered form
(C) Aluminium sulphate in very fine powdered form
(D) Pozzolana in very fine powdered form

Answer: Option C (Aluminium sulphate in very fine powdered form)

404) Pick up the correct statement from the following
(A) The substance which consists of one primary chemical, is known as monomer
(B) The polymer consists of thousands of monomers joined together
(C) The polymer molecule is called macro-molecule
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

405) The normal curing period for lime mortar, is:
(A) 1 day
(B) 3 days
(C) 7 days
(D) 10 days

Answer: Option C (7 days)

406) German silver is an alloy of
(A) Zinc, lead and nickel
(B) Silver, gold and lead
(C) Copper, nickel and zinc
(D) Copper, brass and zinc

 Answer: Option C (Copper, nickel and zinc)

407) For the manufacture of stainless steel, steel is mixed with
(A) Chromium
(B) Nickel
(C) Tungsten
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A (Chromium)

408) The presence of original rounded surface on the manufactured piece of timber, is called?
(A) Wane
(B) Torn grain
(C) Diagonal grain
(D) Chipmark

Answer: Option A ( Wane)

409) In paints, the pigment is responsible for ?
(A) Durability
(B) Colour
(C) Smoothness
(D) Glassy face

 Answer: Option B (Colour)

410) The operation of removal of impurities or clay adhering to iron ores, is known as?
(A) Dressing
(B) Calcination
(C) Roasting
(D) Smelting

Answer: Option A (Dressing)

411) Dry rot?
(A) Cracks the timber
(B) Reduces the strength of timber
(C) Reduces the timber to powder
(D) Spoils the appearance of timber

 Answer: Option C (Reduces the timber to powder)

412) Pozzolana (or surkhi) is used in lime
(A) To impart hydraulicity
(B) To prevent shrinkage
(C) To decrease the cost of construction
(D) To decrease the setting time

Answer: Option A (To impart hydraulicity)

413) The size of modular bricks, is
(A) 10 × 10 × 9 cm
(B) 19 × 9 × 9 cm
(C) 22.5 × 10 × 8.5 cm
(D) 22.5 × 8.0 × 9 cm

Answer: Option B (19 × 9 × 9 cm)

414) Plywood is obtained by gluing wooden sheets at ?
(A) 100 to 150 N/cm2
 (B) 100 to 130°C
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

Answer: Option C (Both (A) and (B))

415) The low voltage porcelain is mainly used for
(A) Switch block
(B) Insulating tubes
(C) Lamp sockets
(D) All of these

 Answer: Option D (All of these)

416)The initial setting time of hydraulic lime, is
(A) 30 minutes
(B) 60 minutes
(C) 90 minutes
(D) 120 minutes

 Answer: Option D (120 minutes)

 Q.NO  417 PVC stands for
(A) Plastic very compact
(B) Polythene vinyl chloride
(C) Polythene vinyl carbon
(D) Polythene vanadium carbide

 Answer: Option B (Polythene vinyl chloride)

418) Cement paints usually ?
(A) Contain hydrated lime
(B) Contain 5% to 10% colour pigments
(C) Contain 5% sodium chloride
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

419)The kiln which may work throughout the year, is
(A) Clamp
(B) Bull's kiln
(C) Hoffman's kiln
(D) None of these

 Answer: Option C (Hoffman's kiln)

 Building Materials mcq

420) The main ingredient of a good quality brick earth is?
(A) Magnesia
(B) Lime
(C) Silica
(D) Alumina

 Answer: Option C ( Silica)

421) In stone masonry, stones (stratified rocks) are so placed that the direction of pressure to the plane of bedding is?
(A) Right angles
(B)  45°
(C)  60°
(D) Parallel

 Answer: Option A (Right angles)

422) The most durable varnish is
(A) Water varnish
(B) Spirit varnish
(C) Turpentine varnish
(D) Oil varnish

Answer: Option D (Oil varnish)

423) Softer variety of steel may be obtained by ?
(A) Cementation process
(B) Crucible process
(C) Bessemer process
(D) Open hearth process

 Answer: Option C (Bessemer process)

424) Bitumen emulsion is ?
(A) A liquid containing bitumen in suspension
(B) A paint
(C) Used as anti-corrosive paint
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

425)Plastic bitumen is generally used for ?
(A) Road pavements
(B) Expansion joints
(C) Crack fillings
(D) None to these

 Answer: Option C (Crack fillings)

 426)Asbestos is? 
(A) Corrugated sheet used for roofing
(B) An incombustible fire proof material
(C) An organic substance
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

427) The rocks which are formed due to pouring of magma at the earth's surface are called ?
(A) Plutonic rocks
(B) Hypabyssal rocks
(C) Volcanic rocks
(D) Igneous rocks

Answer: Option C (Volcanic rocks)

 428) Invar contains
(A) 12% of nickel
(B) 24% of nickel
(C) 30% to nickel
(D) 36% of nickel

Answer: Option D ( 36% of nickel)

 429) Distemper is
(A) A paint consisting of powdered chalk, pigments and water
(B) A water proofing agent
(C) A paint consisting of coloured cement and water
(D) A drying agent

Answer: Option A (A paint consisting of powdered chalk, pigments and water)

430) The compound of Portland cement which reacts immediately with water and also sets first is
(A) Tri-calcium silicate
(B) Di-calcium silicate
(C) Tri-calcium aluminate
(D) Tetra calcium alumino ferrite

 Answer: Option C (Tri-calcium aluminate)

431) In arches, stratified stones are placed so that their planes are
(A) Parallel
(B) Perpendicular
(C) Radial
(D) None of these

Answer: Option C (Radial)

432) The fire clay contains pure ?
(A) Lime
(B) Oxide of iron
(C) Hydrated aluminium silicate
(D) Magnesium

Answer: Option C (Hydrated aluminium silicate)

 Q.NO  433
Pick up the correct characteristic of Pyroxene from the following:
(A) It forms octagonal crystals
(B) It converts to chlorine by hydration
(C) Its density is 2.3 to 3.6 g/cm2
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

434)The base material for distemper  is ?
(A) Chalk
(B) Lime
(C) Lime putty
(D) Cement wash

 Answer: Option A (Chalk)

 Q.NO  435
Slacking of lime is affected by

(A) Keeping it exposed to air
(B) Immersing the lime in water
(C) Crushing the lime lumps
(D) None of these

 Answer: Option B (Immersing the lime in water)

436) Stones used for the construction of retaining walls must be
(A) Soft
(B) Hard
(C) Light
(D) Heavy

 Answer: Option D (Heavy)

437) Permanent magnets are made of high carbon steel and
(A) 15% of cobalt
(B) 20% of cobalt
(C) 35% of cobalt
(D) 45% of cobalt

Answer: Option D (45% of cobalt)

 Building Materialsmcq

438) Stainless steel resists corrosion due to
(A) Carbon
(B) Sulphur
(C) Vanadium
(D) Chromium

 Answer: Option D (Chromium)

 Q.NO  439) The most important constituent of varnish, is
(A) Drier
(B) Solvent
(C) Resin
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

440) A ferrous metal is
(A) Cast iron
(B) Wrought iron
(C) Steel
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

441) For making fly-ash building bricks, the following mix of fly-ash, sand and lime is ?
(A) 80 : 13 : 7
(B) 70 : 20 : 10
(C) 60 : 35 : 5
(D) None of these

 Answer: Option A ( 80 : 13 : 7)

442) Water paint is a?
(A) White wash
(B) Colour wash
(C) Whiting
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D ( All the above)

Building Materials

 Q.NO  443

Spirit varnish generally consists of
(A) Oil, wax and resin
(B) Alcohol, wax and turpentine
(C) Pigment and synthetic resin
(D) Spirit and shellac

Answer: Option D ( Spirit and shellac)

 Q.NO  444
 Duco paints are
(A) Plastic paints
(B) Cellulose paints
(C) Emulsion paints
(D) Oil paints

Answer: Option D (Oil paints)

445)Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Melamine is obtained from calcium carbide
(B) Formaldehyde is prepared synthetically from methane
(C) The melamine when reacted with formaldehyde forms the melamine-formaldehyde resin
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

446)Steel contains carbon approximately
(A) 1.50% to 5.6%
(B) 0.05% to 1.75%
(C) 0.25 %
(D) None to these

 Answer: Option B

447)Based on its dry weight, a freshly felled tree may contain water
(A)  25 %
(B)  50 %
(C) 75 %
(D) 100 %

Answer: Option D (100 %)

448)Forge pig may be converted to wrought iron by?
(A) Rolling
(B) Pudding
(C) Shingling
(D) Refining

Answer: Option B (Pudding)

 449) pick up the correct statement from the following:-
(A) Bull's trench kiln a trench excavated in ground
(B) Hoffman's kiln is constructed over ground
(C) Tunnel Kiln is constructed as a tunnel
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 450 The softest rock is ?
(A) Marble
(B) Diamond
(C) Talc
(D) Quartz

Answer: Option C (Talc)

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Building Material MCQ

 Building Material MCQ PART-10

Q.NO  451) Mild steel is used for ?
(A) Structural works in beams, joints and girders
(B) Small sized water pipes
(C) Columns and struts
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A (Structural works in beams, joints and girders)

 Q.NO  452) The most valuable timber may be obtained from ?
(A) Chir
(B) Shishum
(C) Sal
(D) Teak

Answer: Option D (Teak)

 Q.NO  453 Mastic asphalt is
(A) Acid resisting material
(B) Non-corrosive material
(C) Corrosive material
(D) Heating-resisting material

 Answer: Option B ( Non-corrosive material)

 Q.NO  454 For lime concrete,
(A) Slump is 50 to 75 mm
(B) Flexural strength at 90 days is 0.2 N/mm2
(C) Compressive strength at 90 days is 1.5 N/mm2
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  455)
The material generally not used as extender in paints, is
(A) Powdered silica
(B) Gypsum
(C) Talc
(D) Zinc white

Answer: Option D (Zinc white)

 Q.NO  456)
Pick up the non-inflammable plastic from the following:
(A) Cellulose acetate plastics
(B) Polyvinyl chloride plastics
(C) Phenol formaldehyde plastic
(D) Urea formaldehyde plastic

 Answer: Option B ( Polyvinyl chloride plastics)

 Q.NO  457 )
For light and ornamental casting, the most unsuitable pig iron, is
(A) Bessemer pig
(B) Grey or foundry pig
(C) White or forge pig
(D) Mottled pig

Answer: Option D (Mottled pig)

 Q.NO  458)
If the ore impurities is
(A) Clay, lime stone is used as flux
(B) Lime stone, clay is used as flux
(C) Quartz, lime stone and argillaceous iron ores are used as flux
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  459)
The plastics prepared from Vinyl resin are ?
(A) Odourless
(B) Non-toxic
(C) Transparent
(D) All of these

Answer: Option D (All of these)

 Q.NO  460)
A rock contains only one mineral. It is called
(A) Homogeneous
(B) Non-homogeneous
(C) Monomineralic
(D) Polymineralic

 Answer: Option C (Monomineralic)

 Q.NO  461) Pegmatite is a/an
(A) Intrusive igneous rock
(B) Extrusive igneous rock
(C) Sedimentary rock
(D) Metamorphic rock

Answer: Option A ( Intrusive igneous rock)

 Q.NO  462)
Dorry's testing machine is used for ?
(A) Crushing test of stone
(B) Hardness test of stone
(C) Impact test of stone
(D) Water absorption test

 Answer: Option B (Hardness test of stone)

 Q.NO  463)
Dolomite is a lime stone which contains carbonate of magnesia upto ?
(A)  15 %
(B)  20 %
(C)  25 %
(D) 45 %

Answer: Option D (45 %)

 Q.NO  464) The portion of the brick cut across its width and having its length equal to that of a full brick, is known as?
(A) Closer
(B) Queen closer
(C) King closer
(D) Prince closer

 Answer: Option B (Queen closer)

 Q.NO 465) The minimum percentage of silica, alumina and ferric oxide in lime for white washing is?
(A) 20
(B) 15
(C) 5
(D) 0

Answer: Option D (0)

 Q.NO  466) For a 50 kg cement bag water required, is
(A) 16.5 litres
(B) 18.5 litres
(C) 20.5 litres
(D) 22.5 litres

Answer: Option D (22.5 litres)

 Q.NO  467)
Slump test for concrete is carried out, to determine
(A) Strength
(B) Durability
(C) Workability
(D) Water content

Answer: Option C (Workability)

 Q.NO  468) The frog of a brick is normally made on its
(A) Top face
(B) Bottom face
(C) Longer face
(D) Shorter side

Answer: Option A (Top face)

 Q.NO  469) Granite mainly composed of quartz and feldspar particles, is obtained from?
(A) Sedimentary rocks
(B) Metamorphic rocks
(C) Igneous rocks
(D) All the above

Answer: Option C (Igneous rocks)

 Q.NO  470) Pig iron obtained from the furnace which is properly provided with fuel at a very high temperature, is called?
(A) Bessemer pig
(B) Grey or foundry pig
(C) White or forge pig
(D) Mottled pig

Answer: Option B ( Grey or foundry pig)

 Q.NO  471) Pick up the metal refractory from the following:
(A) Molybdenum
(B) Tungsten
(C) Zirconium
(D) All of these

 Answer: Option D (All of these)

 Q.NO  472) With storage, strength of cement
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Remains the same
(D) None to these

 Answer: Option B (Decreases)

 Q.NO  473) The commonly used raw material in the manufacture of cement, is
(A) Slate
(B) Sand stone
(C) Lime stone
(D) Basalt

Answer: Option C (Lime stone)

 Q.NO  474)
The rocks formed from molten magma, are called
(A) Sedimentary rocks
(B) Igneous rocks
(C) Metamorphic rocks
(D) None of these

Answer: Option B ( Igneous rocks)

 Q.NO  475) Bitumen paints offer
(A) Pleasing surface
(B) Hard surface
(C) Smooth surface
(D) Protective surface

 Answer: Option D (Protective surface)

 Q.NO  476) Ground glass
(A) Is made by grinding its one side
(B) Is made by melting powdered glass paints surface
(C) Is used for getting light without transparency
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  477) The wedging is adopted for quarrying costly stratified rock such as
(A) Laterite
(B) Marble
(C) Limestone
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  478)
The colour of statuary marble used for sculptor's work, is
(A) Red
(B) Blue
(C) White
(D) Green

 Answer: Option C (White)

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Building Material MCQ

 Building Material MCQ PART-8

Q.NO  351 Bitumen in ?

(A) Solid state, is called asphalt
(B) Semi fluid state, is called mineral tar
(C) Fluid state, is called petroleum
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

352) Varnish is a transparent or semi-transparent solution of resinous substances in ?
(A) Alcohol
(B) Linseed
(C) Turpentine
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

353) Refractory bricks are used for ?
(A) Retaining walls
(B) Columns
(C) Piers
(D) Combustion chambers

 Answer: Option D (Combustion chambers)

354) Minimum required water cement ratio for a workable concrete is ?
(A) 0.30
(B)  0.40
(C)  0.50
(D) 0.60

Answer: Option B (0.40)

355) Minimum of 40% of iron, is available in ?
(A) Magnetite
(B) Red haematite
(C) Limonite
(D) Black band

Answer: Option D (Black band)

356) Portland pozzolana cement possesses ?
(A) Higher resistance to chemical attack
(B) Lower heat of hydration
(C) Lower shrinkage on drying
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  357 Dextrin is
(A) Animal glue
(B) Starch glue
(C) Albumin glue
(D) Rubber based adhesive

 Answer: Option D (Rubber based adhesive)

 Q.NO  358) Mastic asphalt is normally used for
(A) Sound insulation
(B) Water proofing
(C) Fire proofing
(D) None to these

Answer: Option B (Water proofing)

 Q.NO  359) The steel which contains fissures and cavities, is manufactured by
(A) Cementation process
(B) Crucible process
(C) Bessemer process
(D) Open hearth process

Answer: Option A (Cementation process)

360) Based on flow quality, the sequence of pipes is
(A) A.C. pipes, G.I. pipes, C.I. pipes, PVC pipes
(B) C.I. pipes, G.I. pipes, A.C. pipes, PVC pipes
(C) C.I. pipes, G.I. pipes, PVC pipes, A.C. pipes
(D) None of these

Answer: Option B (C.I. pipes, G.I. pipes, A.C. pipes, PVC pipes)

 Q.NO  361) Pick up the correct statement from the following
(A) Hornblende mineral is brittle
(B) Muscovite is also known as white mica and potash mica
(C) Biotite is also known as black-mica
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  362) Good quality sand is never obtained from ?

(A) River
(B) Lake
(C) Sea
(D) Gravel powder

 Answer: Option C (Sea)

 Building Materials important mcq

Lime mortar is generally made with ?
(A) Quick lime
(B) Fat lime
(C) Hydraulic lime
(D) Plain lime

 Answer: Option C (Hydraulic lime)

 Q.NO  364) Pick up the compound responsible for early strength of cement from the following:
(A) Tetra-calcium alumino-ferrite
(B) Tri-calcium silicate
(C) Tri-calcium aluminate
(D) Di-calcium silicate

Answer: Option B (Tri-calcium silicate)

 Q.NO  365) Linseed oil is used in paints as
(A) Thinner
(B) Vehicle
(C) Base
(D) Drier

Answer: Option D (Drier)

366) Asphalt is obtained from
(A) Petroleum distillation
(B) Bitumen distillation
(C) Plastic distillation
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A (Petroleum distillation)

 Q.NO  367) Percentage content of silica in window glass is?
(A) 40 to 45
(B) 50 to 55
(C) 60 to 65
(D) 70 to 75

Answer: Option D (70 to 75)

368) Most commonly used solvent in oil paints, is
(A) Petroleum
(B) Spirit
(C) Coal tar
(D) Turpentine

 Answer: Option A (Petroleum)

 Q.NO  369)
The harmonious mixing of the clay ingredients, is known as
(A) Weathering
(B) Blending
(C) Tempering
(D) None of these

 Answer: Option B (Blending)

 Q.NO  370) Bitumen felt
(A) Is used as water proofing material
(B) Is used as damp proofing material
(C) Is made from bitumen and hessian fibres
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  371)
The initial setting time of lime-pozzolana, is
(A) 30 minutes
(B) 60 minutes
(C) 90 minutes
(D) 120 minutes

 Answer: Option D (120 minutes)

 Q.NO  372) The clay to be used for manufacturing bricks for a large project, is dugout and allowed to weather throughout?
(A) The monsoon
(B) The winter
(C) The summer
(D) None of these

 Answer: Option A (The monsoon)  -----A/C to SSC je Answer

 Q.NO  373) If the furnace is provided with insufficient fuel at low temperatures, the type of pig iron produced, is called

(A) Bessemer pig
(B) Grey or foundry pig
(C) White or forge pig
(D) Mottled pig

 Answer: Option C (White or forge pig)

 Q.NO  374) Depending on the chemical composition and mechanical properties, iron may be classified as ?
(A) Cast iron 
(B) Wrought iron
(C) Steel
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  375) The main constituent of fly-ash, is
(A) Aluminium oxide
(B) Silica
(C) Ferrous oxide
(D) All of these

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

Building Materials mcq

 Q.NO  376)
Brittleness of cold is due to an excess of ?
(A) Sulphur
(B) Carbon
(C) Phosphorus
(D) Silicon

Answer: Option C (Phosphorus)

 Q.NO  377) 
Asbestos cement ?

(A) Is brittle
(B) Warps due to changes in humidity
(C) Strength is lowered when saturated by water
(D) All of the above

Answer: Option D (All of the above)

 Q.NO  378) Gneiss is obtained from ?
(A) Igneous rocks
(B) Metamorphic rocks
(C) Sedimentary rocks
(D) Sedimentary metamorphic rocks

Answer: Option D (Sedimentary metamorphic rocks)

 Q.NO  379 Fibre glass ?
(A) Retains heat-longer
(B) Has a higher strength to weight ratio
(C) Is shock proof and fire retardant
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  380
Pick up the correct statement from the following 
(A) The theory of formation of concrete is based on the phenomena of formation of voids

(B) The bulking of sand is taken into account while volumetric proportioning of the aggregates

(C) The dry sand and the sand completely flooded with water, have practically the same volume

(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  381
The commonly used colour pigment in paints is ?
(A) Ambers
(B) Carbon black
(C) Iron oxide
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D(All the above)

 Building Materials

 Q.NO  382)
The variety of pig iron used for the manufacture of steel by Bessemer process, is
(A) Bessemer pig
(B) Grey pig
(C) White forge pig
(D) Mottled pig

 Answer: Option A (Bessemer pig)

 Q.NO  383)
Vanadium steel is generally used for
(A) Railway switches and crossing
(B) Bearing balls
(C) Magnets
(D) Axles and springs

 Answer: Option D (Axles and springs)

 Q.NO  384
A badly mixed cement concrete results in ?
(A) Segregation
(B) Bleeding
(C) Honey combing
(D) None of these

 Answer: Option C (Honey combing)

 Q.NO  385)
Chemically, marble is known as ?
(A) Metamorphic rock
(B) Argillaceous rock
(C) Calcareous rock
(D) Siliceous rock

 Answer: Option C (Calcareous rock)

 Q.NO  386)
The filler used in plastic bitumen, is
(A) Shale powder
(B) Talc powder
(C) Asbestos powder
(D) Plastic powder

Answer: Option C (Asbestos powder)

 Q.NO  387
Mastic asphalt is generally used for ?
(A) Damp proof course
(B) Water proof layer
(C) Partition walls
(D) Both (A) and (B)

Answer: Option D (Both (A) and (B)

 Q.NO  388
The most fire resistant paints are
(A) Enamel paints
(B) Aluminium paints
(C) Asbestos paints
(D) Cement paints

 Answer: Option C (Asbestos paints)

 Q.NO  389) A pug mill is used for ?
(A) Softening brick earth
(B) Moulding brick earth
(C) Tempering brick earth
(D) Providing brick earth

 Answer: Option C (Tempering brick earth)

 Q.NO  390) A good brick earth should contain

(A) About 20% to 30% of alumina
(B) About 50% to 60% of silica
(C) Not more than 5% of lime
(D) All the above

 Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  391)
The compound of Portland cement which contributes to the strength after two to three years is
(A) Tri-calcium silicate
(B) Di-calcium silicate
(C) Tri-calcium aluminate
(D) Tetra-calcium alumino ferrite

Answer: Option B (Di-calcium silicate)

 Q.NO  392)
Bessemer process is used for the manufacture of
(A) Pig iron
(B) Cast iron
(C) Wrought iron
(D) Steel

  Answer: Option D (Steel)

 Q.NO  393
Which one of the following is an air binding material?
(A) Gypsum
(B) Acid-resistant cement
(C) Quick lime
(D) All of these

 Answer: Option D (All of these)

 Q.NO  394 )
A good quality stone absorbs water less than
(A) 5 %
(B)  10 %
(C)  15 %
(D)  25 %

Answer: Option A ( 5 %)

 Q.NO  395)
The slag which floats on the surface of the molten iron generally contains ?
(A) Lime (CaO) 45%
(B) Silica (SiO2) 35%
(C) Alumina (Al2O3) 12% and MgO, CaSO4, KMnO2 and FeO 8%
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  396)
For the manufacture of plywood, veneers are placed so that grains of adjacent veneers ?
(A) Run at right angles
(B) Parallel
(C) Inclined at 45°
(D) Inclined at 60°

Answer: Option A (Run at right angles)

 Q.NO  397
The commonly used drying oil for oil paints is ?
(A) Olive oil
(B) Linseed oil
(C) Kerosene oil
(D) Acetate of lead

Answer: Option D (Acetate of lead)

 Q.NO  398)
Initial setting of cement is caused due to ?
(A) Tri-calcium silicate 
(B) Di-calcium silicate
(C) Tri-calcium aluminate
(D) Tetra calcium alumino ferrite

Answer: Option C (Tri-calcium aluminate)

 Q.NO  399)
Wrought iron is manufactured from pig iron by
(A) Refining
(B) Pudding
(C) Shingling
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D (All the above)

 Q.NO  400) Fibre boards can be ?
(A) Distempered
(B) Painted
(C) Painted and distempered
(D) Used for furniture

 Answer: Option D (Used for furniture)

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